Studio Visit: Esteban Samayoa

June 3, 2024
photo of the artist Esteban Samyoa sitting in a chair in his studio with paintings behind him

As we gear up for the group show "A Scratch in the Paint" at Good Mother Gallery Los Angeles, we had the incredible opportunity to visit the studio of Oakland-based artist Esteban Samayoa. This visit allowed us to delve into the creative mind of an artist whose work is deeply influenced by his personal experiences and upbringing.


Esteban Samayoa, born in 1995 in Sacramento, CA, creates art that vividly reflects his formative years and the rich cultural background that has shaped his identity. Walking into his studio, we were immediately captivated by the vibrant and nostalgic imagery that adorns his workspace. From sketches to finished canvases, Samayoa’s studio is a testament to his unique blend of history and contemporary themes.


A notable aspect of Samayoa’s artistic expression is his recurring use of dogs as a motif. This fascination stems from his childhood, with early drawings inspired by characters like Slick Wolf from Tex Avery cartoons. His father and grandfather, both admirers of classic Cadillacs, also influenced this theme. In Samayoa’s work, dogs, particularly breeds like Dobermans and Rottweilers, symbolize power and identity while challenging societal perceptions. These depictions urge viewers to look beyond superficial judgments and engage with the deeper complexities of human nature.


During our visit, Samayoa shared how his art explores the intersections of culture, identity, and faith. He uses his work to challenge perceptions, provoke thought, and inspire connection, crafting narratives that celebrate the diversity of the human spirit. His paintings are not just visual expressions but invitations to reflect on the multifaceted nature of identity and experience.


As we discussed his contributions to "A Scratch in the Paint," it became clear that Samayoa’s work will bring a profound depth to the exhibition. His art, characterized by themes of power and societal perception, will challenge and inspire viewers, encouraging them to forge deeper connections and rethink their biases. The universal yet personal themes in his work make his art relatable and nostalgic.


We are excited to showcase Esteban Samayoa’s work alongside the talents of Jahlil Nzinga and Landon Pointer in "A Scratch in the Paint." Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, June 8th from 5pm-8pm at our Los Angeles Location.


The exhibition will be on view during regular gallery hours until June 30th.


To request a digital catalog of available works from Esteban, please email


All photos copyright Brandon Long and Good Mother Gallery

Photo of the artist using charcoal to create a drawing on hands


photo of the artist creating charcoal drawings in his studio


photo of the artist creating charcoal drawings in his studio


photo of the artist creating charcoal drawings in his studio


photo of the artist creating charcoal drawings in his studio

About the author

Vanessa Indies